Did you know?
In order to process and evaluate problems your nervous system needs to be balanced and regulated.
Traumatic or stressful events may result in dysregulation of the nervous system. Rather than moving fluidly, it can become "stuck". When this happens, cognitive processes and clear evaluation may be severely limited.
Stuck On "On" Results in: Anxiety, Panic, Hyperactivity, Exaggerated Startle, Inability to Relax, Restlessness, Hypervigilence, Digestive Problems, Emotional Flooding, Chronic Pain, Sleeplessness, Hostility/Rage
Stuck On "Off" Results in: Depression, Flat Affect, Lethargy, Deadness, Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Disorientation, Pain,Disconnection, Dissociation, Complex Syndromes, Low Blood Pressure, Poor Digestion
Research based techniques that are targeted directly to regulate the nervous system will help restore cognitive processing allowing clearer evaluation and meaningful solutions to your problems.
Graphs and charts adapted from www.traumahealing.com